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高梅香  朱家祺  刘爽  程鑫  刘冬  李彦胜 《生态学报》2023,43(16):6862-6877
土壤动物学面临以全新知识体系为科学研究框架的变革时期,其核心内容是以数据驱动为主要特征的人工智能技术方法。目前广泛应用的基于数据库的数据处理分析方法,面临着数据多源异构、快速增长和处理能力不足之间的矛盾。基于快速发展的大数据科学和人工智能技术的数据挖掘方法在解决前述矛盾中有突出优势,但需要依赖一个强大的领域知识库,然而土壤动物领域知识图谱的研究十分匮乏。土壤动物知识图谱是一个具有有向图结构的知识库,其中图的节点代表与土壤动物相关的实体或概念,图的边代表实体或概念之间的各种语义关系。提出了土壤动物知识图谱的定义、内涵、理论模型和构建方法,以浙江天目山土壤螨类多样性为例,分析了构建山地土壤动物知识图谱的技术方法;以土壤动物多样性研究关注的物种分布、物种共存、环境条件对物种的影响作用为例,探讨了基于山地土壤动物知识图谱可以解决的相关科学问题。研究表明,土壤动物知识图谱在解决生物多样性重要科学问题方面具有独特的潜力和优势,有力推动了土壤动物学、信息科学和数据科学交叉的土壤动物信息学的发展。  相似文献   
Abstract Historic fire return intervals in Artemesia tridentata (big sagebrush) ecosystems have been altered by livestock grazing, fire suppression, and other land management techniques resulting in ecological changes in these areas. Increases in abundance of woody vegetation may be causing declines in native herbaceous understory species. We examined the effects of prescribed fire on the morphology, abundance, and phenology of nine abundant forb (herbaceous dicot) species used selectively by Centrocercus urophasianus (Sage Grouse). In September 1997 prescribed fire was applied to four of eight randomly assigned 400‐ha A.t. wyomingensis (Wyoming big sagebrush) study plots at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, Oregon. Livestock had not grazed experimental plots since 1991. Burning caused morphological changes such as significantly greater numbers of racemes and flowers per raceme in Astragalus malachus (shaggy milkvetch‐Legumoideae) (9 in burn vs. 6 in control; 23 in burn vs. 21 in control, respectively). Also, prescribed burning caused greater numbers of flowers in Phlox gracilis (microsteris‐Polemoniaceae) (57 vs. 13), greater numbers of umbels and umbelletts in Lomatium nevadense (Nevada desert parsley‐Umbellifereae) (4 vs. 2 and 59 vs. 31, respectively), greater numbers of flower heads in Crepis modocensis (Modoc hawksbeard‐Compositae) (32 vs. 21), and greater number of flowers/cm3 in Phlox longifolia (longleaf phlox‐Polemoniaceae) (0.11 vs. 0.06). Crown volume of Crepis modocensis (7,085 vs. 4,179 cm3) and Astragalus malachus (2,854 vs. 1,761 cm3) plants was greater in burned plots than control plots. However, burning resulted in a smaller crown area of Antennaria dimorpha (low pussytoes‐Compositae) (20 vs. 37 cm2). Phenology and time of flowering were also affected by fire. The period of active growth for each species was extended later into the summer in burned plots ( p < 0.01). In addition, Crepis modocensis and Lomatium nevadense flowered 12 to 14 days earlier in burned plots. Fire had no effect on frequency, density, and relative abundance of seven of the nine studied species. Fire reduced the frequency and relative abundance of A. dimorpha and Phlox longifolia and reduced the density of A. dimorpha.  相似文献   
Transference of 3D accelerations during cross country mountain biking   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Investigations into the work demands of Olympic format cross country mountain biking suggest an incongruent relationship between work done and physiological strain experienced by participants. A likely but unsubstantiated cause is the extra work demand of muscle damping of terrain/surface induced vibrations. The purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between vibration mechanics and their interaction with terrain, bicycle and rider during a race pace effort on a cross country mountain bike track, on both 26″ and 29″ wheels. Participants completed one lap of a cross country track using 26″ and 29″ wheels, at race pace. Power, cadence, speed, heart rate and geographical position were sampled and logged every second for control purposes. Tri-axial accelerometers located on the bicycle and rider, recorded accelerations (128 Hz) and were used to quantify vibrations experienced during the whole lap and over terrain sections (uphill and downhill). While there were no differences in power output (p=0.3062) and heart rate (p=0.8423), time to complete the lap was significantly (p=0.0061) faster on the 29″ wheels despite increased vibrations in the larger wheels (p=0.0020). Overall accelerometer data (RMS) showed location differences (p<0.0001), specifically between the point of interface of bike–body compared to those experienced at the lower back and head. The reduction in accelerations at both the lower back and head are imperative for injury prevention and demonstrates an additional non-propulsive, muscular, challenge to riding. Stress was greatest during downhill sections as acceleration differences between locations were greater when compared to uphill sections, and thus possibly prevent the recovery processes that may occur during non-propulsive load.  相似文献   
沈显生 《生态学杂志》2004,23(2):158-160
分析了大别山区谷底平原生态系统的组成与功能 ,探讨了该区在社会发展中存在的水土流失、环境污染、耕地浪费和生物多样性单调等若干问题。建议通过适当外迁部分人口 ,发展现代有机农业 ,依靠科学技术 ,走农业综合化之路 ,以真正实现大别山区谷底平原的可持续发展。  相似文献   
为深入了解拉萨河流域亏祖山不同海拔梯度秋季土壤纤毛虫优势种生态位及其与环境因子的关系,于2015年10月在亏祖山共设置11个样点,用土壤采样器采用梅花五点式采集土样,同时记录相应的理化因子,土样在实验室自然风干后,采用"非淹没培养法"和"活体观察法"进行培养和形态学鉴定。亏祖山11个样点中,共鉴定到土壤纤毛虫132种,隶属3纲14目48科66属,其中14个优势种(Y>0.02)。土壤纤毛虫优势种生态位宽度最大的是明显长颈虫(Dileptus conspicuus),生态位宽度最小的是卵圆前管虫(Prorodon ovum)和似肾形虫(Colpoda simulans)。土壤纤毛虫优势种生态位重叠值位于0.02-0.99之间,生态位重叠值最低的为似肾形虫(Colpoda simulans)和卵圆前管虫(Prorodon ovum),而生态位重叠值最高的为念珠角毛虫(Keronopsis monilata)和膨胀肾形虫(Colpoda inflata)。亏祖山14个优势种生态响应速率之和为负值,表明土壤纤毛虫优势种处于衰退阶段。土壤纤毛虫优势种与环境因子的典范对应分析(CCA)结果显示,轴1和轴2累计解释物种变异的37.8%,表明轴1和轴2能较好地反映优势种与环境因子的关系;总氮是显著解释变量,对优势种变异的解释率为17.6%。综上分析得出,明显长颈虫(Dileptus conspicuus)、点滴半眉虫(Hemiophrys pectinata)和前口瞬目虫(Glaucoma frontata)对土壤环境适应能力较强,具有广泛的生态适应幅度;土壤纤毛虫优势种生态位重叠值低,种间竞争比较弱;土壤纤毛虫优势种之间以及优势种和环境之间尚未达到相对的动态平衡,优势种正处衰退阶段;总氮是影响拉萨河流域土壤纤毛虫优势种分布和生态位的主要环境因子。  相似文献   
Summary A method of accurately estimating and mapping patterns of incoming solar radiation fluxes on sloping terrain, using data from standard meteorological instruments, is described. The results of the radiation maps produced are then related to a specific example of vegetation successional changes in the Cathedral Peak area of the Natal Drakensberg mountain range, indicating that these changes occur most readily on cooler aspects. For the same region, the differences in the major plant communities at two other sites, attributable largely to variations in incoming solar radiation loads, are discussed.The authors wish to thank the Department of Forestry of the Republic of South Africa for providing data and for facilitating fieldwork to be undertaken at Cathedral Peak. This Research was funded in part by the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, whose support is hereby gratefully acknowledged (by R.E.S.). The maps illustrating this paper were prepared by Mrs. C. Coetzee and Mr B. Martin of the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg.  相似文献   
武夷山是中国东南陆域生物多样性保护的关键地区之一。检索《中国动物志·鸟纲》和《中国鸟类分布名录》(2版),记录有模式种(亚种)产地为武夷山及其邻近区域的鸟类模式种11种,包括单型种5种,即黑眉柳莺(Phylloscopusricketti)、棕噪鹛(Garrulaxberthemyi)、白喉林鹟(Cyornis brunneatus)、棕腹大仙鹟(Niltavadavidi)和蓝鹀(Emberizasiemsseni),以及指名亚种6种,即白眉山鹧鸪(Arboricolagingicagingica)、黄腹角雉(Tragopancaboticaboti)、白斑尾柳莺(Phylloscopus ogilviegranti ogilviegranti)、短尾鸦雀(Neosuthora davidiana davidiana)、华南斑胸钩嘴鹛(Erythrogenys swinhoeiswinhoei)和红尾噪鹛(Trochalopteronmilneimilnei),另有其他亚种31种。其中,产地记录为"挂墩"和"武夷山"31种(亚种),记录为"邵武"和"光泽"2种(亚种),记录为"福建西北部"和"南平或野猫坑"9种(亚种)。在近80年的武夷山区鸟类调查中,这些鸟类模式种(亚种)记录情况分别为:1938至1963年郑作新等记录28种,2004至2011年程松林等记录40种,而红尾噪鹛(Trochalopteron milnei milnei)和蓝鹀(Emberiza siemsseni)在前述两部分调查中均没有记录。依据程松林等调查记录的40鸟种进一步分析,其中,留鸟26种、夏候鸟10种、冬候鸟3种、旅鸟1种;常见7种、易见19种、少见12种、罕见2种。分析结果表明,模式种(亚种)产地为武夷山及其邻近区域的40种鸟类,作为宝贵的地模标本资源,在江西武夷山国家级自然保护区内得到了较好的保护,对我国鸟类分类与区系分布、鸟类生物地理学和保护遗传学等方面的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
水分利用效率是反映植物水分利用的客观指标,对其研究有助于了解陆地生态系统的碳水耦合机制。本研究利用稳定碳同位素技术分析了长白山阔叶红松林演替序列下3种林分(中龄杨桦林、成熟杨桦林、阔叶红松林)中优势树种的水分利用效率。结果表明: 3种林分的水分利用效率在不同演替阶段存在阔叶红松林>中龄杨桦林>成熟杨桦林的大小顺序,且同一树种在不同林分中水分利用效率不同,中龄杨桦林中山杨和白桦的水分利用效率高于成熟杨桦林,阔叶红松林中水曲柳的水分利用效率远高于其在中龄杨桦林,阔叶红松林中色木槭和蒙古栎的水分利用效率高于其在成熟杨桦林;优势树种的水分利用效率存在木材类型上的差异,总体呈现环孔材树种>散孔材树种;阔叶红松林优势树种中,阔叶树种和针叶树种的水分利用效率在生长季呈现两种不同的变化趋势,水曲柳、色木槭、蒙古栎、紫椴总体呈现先减小后增加的趋势,而红松呈现先增加后减小的趋势。生长季阔叶红松林的水分利用效率与温度呈显著负相关。不同的水分利用效率是长白山阔叶红松林优势树种适应演替进程、响应气候和环境变化的策略之一。  相似文献   
杨贵军  王源  王敏 《应用生态学报》2021,32(4):1461-1470
为探讨贺兰山冲积扇荒漠草地拟步甲群落小尺度空间格局动态特征,本研究于2019年5—10月每月采用陷阱法调查200 m×200 m空间尺度的拟步甲昆虫群落,基于地统计分析方法,研究拟步甲昆虫群落的空间格局,并分析空间格局与地形因子的关系。6次调查共捕获拟步甲科成虫7属10种1086只,群落组成具有较明显的空间和时间变异性。其中,拟步甲群落多样性以5月最大,7月最低。Moran I指数表明,拟步甲优势种空间自相关性具有明显的季节波动性,在5月、9月和10月表现为显著空间正相关。拟步甲群落和优势种具有较强的空间异质性,主要由结构性因素决定。普通克里金插值表明,不同季节群落空间格局梯度分布存在明显差异,夏季群落空间格局比较简单。交叉方差函数分析显示,优势种物种间大多表现为正空间关联性,且主要受结构性因素单一调控。典范对应分析(CCA)结果表明,坡度和海拔显著影响昆虫分布。本研究揭示了拟步甲昆虫群落小尺度空间异质性具有明显的季节变异,为研究贺兰山冲积扇生境地表甲虫物种多样性空间格局及维持机制奠定基础。  相似文献   
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